A Bit About Us.
Do you remember your first interview and how you had no idea how to professionally answer questions such as tell me more about yourself or what are three strengths and weaknesses? Remember thinking after-the-fact that you should have said this or added that?
You are not alone: I was one of those people. Not only was I ill-prepared for many interviews, but I oftentimes felt so overwhelmed, I didn’t even apply for the job.
The reality is that not only are people unprepared to answer such questions, but there is a dearth of resources and mentorship from which to seek help.
Vume is truly the app for everyone: regardless of your background or circumstances, Vume helps you prepare for- and find- the right career by revamping the career journey and process from all angles.
We have set out on a mission to make generational wealth attainable for all by revamping the career journey and process from all angles.
Our vision is a world where generational wealth is uniformly attainable for all. With Vume, job candidates will never again be unprepared or go unnoticed, nor companies deal with inefficiencies and cost overages saturating the hiring process.